Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2013

Strategie | Die Neobux Strategie

Hallo du, dieser Post hier dient meiner Sicht, dir eine ultimative Neobux Strategie näher zu bringen und natürlich damit verbunden, wie man in Neobux am meisten Geld macht - und das Ganze kostenlos, einfach so. Neobux ist so konzipiert, dass man von "zuhause aus" durch Werbung klicken Geld macht. Die meisten Leute von denen du schon Tips zum Einstieg gelesen hast, erzählen dir Quatsch.

Naja, genaugenommen ist es kein Quatsch, denn auch durch Werbeklicks kommst du an dein Ziel, nur dauert dieses eben viel länger. Selbst alle Banner klicken bis man 2$ zusammen hat und dann Refs mieten, direkt um 240 Tage verlängern um danach, eine Woche später die nächsten Referrals und so weiter und so fort. Wie bereits erwähnt, wird diese Strategie dir auch ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels zeigen, allerdings geht es schneller, sehr viel schneller. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist einfach - Direkte Referrals.

Direkte Referrals sind Menschen, die man finden und in sein ganzes Projekt "Neobux" einladen kann. Man kann direkte Referrals zum Beispiel finden, indem man bei Facebook, Twitter, Blogs und Foren seinen Reflink postet. Stell dir einfach mal vor, du hast 50, 100 oder sogar 1000 direkte Referrals. Das bedeutet für dich, dass du Geld durch ihre Klicks bekommst ohne sie jemals zu recyclen oder zu verlängern. Das ist der pure Profit, welcher dir hilft noch schneller zu wachsen!

Darüberhinaus hast du ein "direktes" Verhältnis zu deinen direkten Referrals. Kümmer dich gut um sie (Hilfe anbieten etc.) und sie bleiben profitabel. Eine andere Sache sind die Minijobs. Das Konzept ist genauso einfach, wie einen Minijob zu bekommen. Das Verdiente Geld geht direkt in dein Hauptguthaben. Um dorthin zu gelangen, klickt man einfach auf Angebote und dann auf Minijobs. Danach einfach etwas auswählen, was einem interessant erscheint und schon geht es los.

Die Aufgaben sind immer sehr detailliert erklärt und anhand eines Beispiels verdeutlicht. Mit Leichtigkeit kann man jeden Tag 0.70$ - 1.00$ machen und zusätzlich für jeden 1$ den man mit Minijobs macht, gibt es von Neobux zusätzlich 12% nochmal drauf. Also 1$ verdienen = 1.12$ bekommen.Auf dieser Art und Weise fällt es natürlich auch leichter, sich Referrals zu mieten.

Die 2$ hat man durch die Minijobs sehr schnell erreicht und kann das Geschäft mit den gemieteten Referrals fast ausschließlich durch diese Verdienste betreiben. Stell dir vor, du hast 30 - 40 direkte Referrals, welche dir helfen schneller zu wachsen als üblich. Ein reiner Profit von 17$ - 18$ pro Tag wird dich 6 - 7 Monate Aktivität kosten, aber ab diesem Zeitpunkt bist du drin und ich bin sicher, DU kannst diesen Level auch erreichen Alles was du dafür tun musst ist:

1. Neobux Account registrieren
2. Paypal Account registrieren
3. Anfangen Geld zu verdienen und dich über Profit freuen

Glaub mir mein Freund, Träume werden wahr! :-)


Mein aktuelles Ziel ist es 4000 gemietete Referrals zusammen zu bekommen, was für mich 35$ - 40$ am Tag bedeutet. Ich denke, für ein Zweites Einkommen kann sich das sehen lassen. Das wichtigste Ziel für dich ist, so schnell wie möglich ein Ultimatives Mitglied zu werden und natürlich eine Möglichkeit zu finden, wie es am schnellsten geht.

Ich habe dir einige dieser Steine mit diesem Post schon aus dem Weg geräumt und der Weg den du gehen könntest oder vielleicht jetzt sogar möchtest, ist dir bis zu einem guten täglichen Einkommen nun freigelegt. Zum Abschluss möchte ich dir noch eine weitere Strategie näherbringen, die zwar etwas zeitintensiver ist, dafür aber noch mehr Geld bringen kann.

Die Rede ist von mehreren Seiten, wie Neobux. Stell dir vor, du betreibst das, was du auf Neobux machst, noch auf 10 - 15 anderen Seiten? Stell dir vor, diese 17$ - 18$ am Tag, von denen ich erzählt habe, hast du gleich 10 mal? Im oberen Teil dieser Homepage hast du eine Auswahl einiger Seiten, die ich persönlich in die engere Auswahl gezogen habe und mir persönlich am Besten gefallen

Wenn du auf mehreren Seiten gleichzeitig aktiv bist, wirst du überall erstmal kleine Beträge haben, aber sobald du diese kleinen Beträge zu einem Betrag zusammenbekommst, hast du ein sehr gutes Startguthaben, ohne jemals etwas eingezahlt zu haben! Falls du noch Fragen hast, stehe ich jederzeit zur Verfügung und bin dir dabei behilflich, das zu erreichen, was ich bisher erreicht habe.
Schreib mir eine Mail an

Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013

Daily Summary

Hello Guys,

here is my current daily summary of my work to improve my income opportunities.
My strategy is to be active on several sites at the same time. Read the informations about several sites below.

- View all ads in a row
- Use all AdPrizes (you'll get 3 AdPrizes for every adclick you've made) to improve the chance of extra money and golden membership.
- Finish the Minijobs. (The minijobs benefit goes up to 26 cent)

- View all ads in a row
- Use all Clixgridtries to improve the chance of extra money.
- Finish tasks and offers. (The offers benefit goes up to 6.00 $)

- View all ads in a row.
- Use all Progridtries to improve the chance of extra money.

make cash
- Activate the surfbar when i boot my pc and let it present the whole time.
- View all Clicksbonusads in a row.
- Keep aware of the Surferbonusad in the surfbar to improve the chance on a 20$-Pass.

Note: This PTC-Site is totally fresh (established in Octobre 2013) and they already paidout money. Here is your chance really high to earn high amounts of money.

- View all ads in a row.


Note: This PTC-Site is slightly different to the others. Here you'll get paid for like facebooksites, follow twitterprofiles, spend +1 on Google+-Sites and subscribe Youtubechannels.

- Doing all offered jobs till the limit is reached.

Once you did all these jobs on a single day, you will be able to reach 5.00$ - 10.00$.
Keep this sties work together and you will be able to make nice amounts of money. 

To a daily average of 5$ you will get an amount of 150$ extra income per month, for now.
Dont waste any time and follow my strategy to get wealthy.

Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2013

Previous experience

Hello People,
so lets talk about my experience so far.
As i wrote, i started up my online business some days ago and met some serious PTC-Sites, which are mostly exist since years.

Here we go:
!FIRST! - I recommend a paypal-account for ALL these sites. 

- Neobux - I can vouch this site as 100% trusted and serious in payments. You will get any payment, you earn. My special experience is the Minijobsystem. From time to time, Neobux will deliver Minijob-Offers up to 26 cent per task (atm i don't know if there is more, but i will watch out)! Each task needs 2 to 5 minutes work. Especially from 11pm to 2am (GMT+1) there are lots of special offers. Some of them are for german people only. Also there is the rent-a-referral-system. You are able, to rent some of users to benefit from there adviews. Detailed statistics available, too. For more information about Neobux watch the first post below.

- Clixsense - This site turns into one of my favorite PTC-Sites, too. It is fully trusted and serious plus exists since 2007. The special points at Clixsense are the surveyoffers. I already finished some of this surveys, which took me about 20 minutes to complete it, but the rewards go up to 6 $! Yes, 6 $. It tooks me 20 minutes, to earn 6 $. This is quitely fair. And you can do this too. For more information about Clixsense watch the first post below.

- 20Dollars2Surf - This site is my longtime-favorite. You really need patience to get the money roll, but it will be wealthy. You just have to run a surfbar on your desktop and earn points. Each month these points will be paidout to your paypal account. You don't have to do anything. The special thing is. People which register to this site without sponsor will automatically added to someone. So their is a small (no impossible) chance, you get referrals, without move a single finger. 20Dollar2Surf has much more to explore, i will tell you if i know some more details.

- Probux - This site nearly uses the same model as Neobux but is in minor ways different. It is 100% trusted, too. For more information about Neobux / Probux watch the first post below.

Montag, 21. Oktober 2013

The First Referralrent

Hello again,
a few days ago I started to earn my money online via Neobux.
Slightly it turns to an exponential grow of money as I rented the first 3 referrals.
From now on, i will benefit from their adviews, too.
For more informations, watch the post below.

Samstag, 19. Oktober 2013

How to earn 100$ in less than a day.


To register

About Neobux
Neobux site was created in the year 2008 and is ranked number one in Paid to Click Ads (PTC) world with active  members of over five million worldwide. The minimum earnings that you can cash out is $2 which you can withdraw instantly via Paypal, Trustwave, Payza and Neteller. I am currently applying Big Money Strategy.

How will you earn as a USER and what are the important TASKS to do to earn money?
  • View Advertisement Daily – in viewing the ads, click the small box then click the red dot and wait for the message that the “ amount is credited  to your account”.  DO NOT click two ads at the same time.
  • Click ADPrize – you can win as much as $50 cash price per click, just always try your luck in this, you might be the lucky one in the next day if you did not win on the first try.
  • Complete Mini jobs – you can win $50 to $70 a day if you are good in doing tasks.
  • Neocoins offers – you can earn $180 per day, your earnings will be credited to your account 30 days after  the offer is validated.
  • Neopoints- you can use this neopoints in managing referrals and in Golden Membership upgrade.
  • Read the blog- you can always learn from others by reading success stories in the forum wherein most of the users are willing to share their experience and how they succeed in Neobux.
How will you earn as an ADVERTISER and what are benefits that you can get?
  • As an Advertiser or business owner, you can get instant traffic to your website by getting Neobux service.
  • You can also take advantage of the big business opportunity by being viewed my almost five million people.
  • Payment options are very flexible, available in Paypal, Trustwave,Payza and Neteller.
What are the strategies that you can do to succeed in Neobux?
There are two strategies that you can do to earn in Neobux, you can choose between “Zero Investment Strategy” and “Big Money Strategy”.  Just keep in mind that in every endeavor, your greatest weapon is patience and perseverance to achieve your goals.
Zero Investment strategy
  • Register and create an account.
  • Click all Advertisements that you see and check if there are extra Advertisements that you can click after browsing all the Ads in your account.
  • Be patient in clicking daily until you earn $2.
  • Transfer the dollars you earned from your main balance to your rental balance.
  • Rent a pack of 3 referrals and turn on “Auto Pay”.
  • Maintain your referrals and recycle the ones that have an average below 2 or haven’t been clicked in 2-3 days.  You can choose to give 2-weeks allowance  to those you think are not actively clicking.
  • Buy as many referrals as possible.  For standard member, you are only allowed to buy every 7 days or every week.
  • Do NOT cash out yet any of the money you earned in your main balance as this will be used for maintaining and buying more referrals.
  • As soon as your 30 days is over, start recruiting direct referrals.  These direct referrals could be your friend, colleagues and those that you get from traffic exchange.
  • Once you reach 500 rented referrals, you may stop renting referrals and just maintain the ones that you have, recycle the bad clickers and keep an average click of 2.
  • In your 500 renting referrals and direct referrals, you could now build up your money to about $100 and then upgrade to Golden membership for higher earning opportunity.
  • Once you get Golden membership, keep renting more referrals and maintaining them. Once you hit 1250 referrals, you can stop renting referrals and just maintain them and start to cash out your money.
Big Money strategy
  • Register  and create an account.
  • Click all Advertisements that you see and check if there are extra Advertisements that you can click after browsing all the Ads in your account.
  • Rent 100 referrals for $20, and rent again another 100 referrals for $20 after 1 week to come up with 200 renting referrals in total.  All of these renting referrals are valid for 1 month and are renewable depending on the terms that you want, whether 1 month or 240 days.
  • Meet the minimum requirement of at least 15 days being a member with 200 renting referrals before you can upgrade to Golden membership.
  • This is now the time that you can buy or upgrade to golden membership for $90 with 1 year validity.
  • Keep renting 100 pack referrals and clicking.  As soon as your 30 days is up, start recruiting Direct referrals
  • Ensure that you maintain an average of 1 in order to make profit, once you reach 100 clicks credited, you can buy or upgrade to Ultimate membership for $890 with 1 year validity.
  • Buy another 300 packs of rented referrals and keep doing this until you reach 4000 referrals.
  • Be sure to maintain your referrals and keep Auto Pay on. If you do not have Auto Pay on, extend your referrals for 90 days which will give you a 20% discount.
  • Slowly cash out your money every week. You should get your investment back in around 3 months.
  • After accomplishing everything, you can now generate pure profit from your Ultimate membership with 4000 referrals, that can make over $500 income per month.


To register

About Clixsense
Clixsense site was created on Feb 2007 and ranks 3rd place in legitimate and trusted PTC site to earn money by clicking.  This old and trusted PTC has over 2.7 million members worldwide. The minimum earnings that you can cash out is $6 which you can withdraw instantly via Paypal, Payza and Liberty Reserve every Monday.

How will you earn and what are the important TASKs to do to earn money?
  • View PTC Advertisement Daily – in viewing the ads, click the Ads. When you see the message “Your click has been validated”, close and proceed to the next Ads. Repeat the procedure and check again if there are extra Advertisements that you can click after browsing all of the Ads in your account.
  • Play Click Grids- Win ClixGrid Daily Prizes and Participate in Weekly Contests
    that can win as much as $5 cash price and more.
  • Get Clixsense offers – it is a new way to increase your earnings on Clixsense. To access the Clixsense Offers, Sign up or Login to your Clixsense account and click on the “Offers” tab which is located at the top portion of the page. This will display all the available offers to you. Get offers like Supersonic Ads, Matomy, Token Ads and Super rewards that can give you chance to win cash.
  • Offers Credit – Some offers will credit to your account instantly once you successfully complete the offer while others have a long waiting period like 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks to credit depending on the advertisers’ requirements. The unpaid respective amounts or credits will be shown on the top right corner of the page next to “Pending Balance”.
  • Answer Surveys - These are trusted surveys that can be taken every day. Because of these, one can have the highest earning potential on all offers. If you don’t qualify to take a survey the first try, you may try again. There will be days with no surveys matching your demographics, so you should check these daily, it takes only a couple of minutes to answer the survey.
  • Visit the blog or forum- you can always learn from others by reading success stories in the forum where most of the users are willing to share their experience and how they succeed in Clixsense.
  • Get as many as possible direct referrals. You can advertise your site by using your referral link in the Affiliate section of your Clixsense account.
  • As a Standard member, you can upgrade to PREMIUM MEMBER which costs $17 for 1 year.